lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Pacific "Ring of Fire"

The article published by the Basic Planet asserts that The Pacific Ring of Fire is like a semicircle area with a lot of active volcanoes. This area is located in The Pacific Ocean,and extends from America to Eastern Asia and Australia.  There are 75% volcanoes and this zone is close to tectonic movement. This can briang as a concequence: earthquakes, tsunamis and floor shakes. The article states that over 452 volcanoes are found in this area, including Kilauea, the most active volcano in the world. All the activity caused by the plates could be extremely strong for people and even worst than old eruptions. People could be very damaged because of toxic gases and lava. The Pacific Plate will crash other close plates, producing the to sink. This produces crust melting, so lava is made which creates volcanoes. You should be ready for volcanic eruptions and earthquakes if you live close to the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Deadly earthquake hits India and Nepal

This article was published on Sunday 18 September 2011. It's is about a hard earthquake, the goverment said that a few people died and many were just injured. It hit the north-eastern of India and Nepal. Lors of buildings were damaged. Indian seismology official Dattatreyan explains that there were two aftershocks and they had to be alert because there it could be  more. The prime minister of India, Singh   He asked the  National Disaster for an emergency meeting and he sent five planes to help injured people.He tells that the region is big so they don’t know the exact damage and adds that rescuers and police are looking for people under the building materials, also he reported that there are lots people helping in different ways. Ellectricity failed.
The earthquake was also felt in New Delhi where residents had to run out from their houses.

Evacuation as Calbuco volcano erupts in Chile

Calbuco volcano erupts in chile

This article has been published in april 23 of 2015

The Calbuco volcano in Chile erupts twice in some hours after been dormant for decades.
This arthicle tell us the authorities have evacuated more than 4,000 people because of the lava and ash in the area.
Alejandro Verges, an emergency director,  said that Calbuco volcan wasn't under any special observation. Took the officials in the area by surpries.
Schools in the place had been cancelled.
The city of Puerto Montt has be blanked in a ash cloud. Puerto Varas was also in alert.
Mayor Gervoy Paredes said residents were "very, very frightened"
Rodrigo Penailillo said to people "remain calm and stay informed"
Argentina put emergency measures in Bariloche, were ash clouds are expected.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

The Phoenix

We have to make a presentation for literature about a book we read in class, "The Phoenix" by Sylvia Nora Townsend Warner. In the presentation we have to include:
-The author and some information
The themes
-Relevance of the title
-Description of the task

Here is my presentation with: Alan Araya and Valentin Fayad.