martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

"Los 3 R": Los 3 tipos de recursos naturales

A continuación van a ver una presentación acerca de los tres tipos de recursos naturales que estuvimos investigando, e hicimos una presentación sobre este tema. Aca les dejo la infografía
Los 3 recursos de Santiago Darnes

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

New Technology

Nowadays, internet have dominated our lives. It is constantly around us, everywhere we go. Many people say that it affects our human relationships, giving us a negative impact, nevertheless internet have its advantages.

There are those who believe that social media have completely affected communication between humans, and it is true but there are also advantages. Technology has been advancing through the years. With the invention of new apps, people communicate less. Nevertheless, even have to meet due to the fact that there are web cameras and microphones which make you feel as if you were next to the person; internet and social medias have many advantages such as the fact that we can meet people from all around the world. What is more, if we live abroad, we can be in contact with our family and friends. In addition, it allows all type of information from any part of the world.

In what refers to the future, there might be two possibilities. On the one hand, the one that has more chances to happen is us depending on the technology in all of our daily routine. Although we have one person next to us, we will use technology to communicate with . On the other hand, the other possibility is us being aware of the situation we are living, and stop using so much technology. With this last possibility people would be more united as they were in the last century.

As a conclusion, we can say that the internet really affects our communication. I partially agree since the internet has several advantages which we must have into consideration. Additionally, I think it will affect communication in the future unless we do something to solve it.

Joaquin Tiraboschi