miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

The Twin Towers

Why? The reason was Yihadism, that was that Al Qaeda and Bin Laden wanted North American people died.

Where? New York, Count of Arlington.

When? September 11, 2001.

What happened? Planes of American Airlines and United Airlines crashed against the Twin Towers.

Who was involved? 3016 people died included the 19 terrorists and the 24 missing people. There were 6000 injured.

In september 11, 2001 planes of American Airlines and United Airlines crashed against the Twins Towers in a terrorist attack, in New York city, Count of Arlington. The terrorist attack was commmanded by Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. 3016 people died included the 19 terrorists and 24 missing people. There were 6000 injured.

-Hello what's your name?

-My name is George

-You were in the Twins Towers when they fell?

-Yes, I was with my fother and my mother but both died.

-And how did you feel when the Twin Towers fell down?

-I was very scared, I didn't knpw what to do but i started running and i could get out but at that momento, I didn't think of my mother and father because i wasn't thinking of anything but now i am very sorry.

-What you were doing when the planes crashed?

-Well when the planes crashed I was doing some work and I threw everything and i started running.

-Well, thank you for your time.

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