viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Diary Entry

Here is my Diary Entry of the poem My grandmother knitting. In this Diary Entry the activity consists of that we have to be the grandmother.

May 22, 2009

Dear Diary,
                     Yesterday was a beautiful day, like always. I knew that my family would visit me so I spent all the morning knitting. I know that they want me to stop knitting for them; but I can't. Really, every day I want to knit more and more. I knit all type of things like scarf, pants, t-shirts, dresses and different types of costumes. When they tell me  to knit something, I am the happiest grandmother in the world. I don't care about what they tell me, I will knit for ever and ever. I knit because I love it but not only because of that; I knit because I love my family, I want the best for them. My grandson Jorge loves the colour blue so most of the clothes I knit to him is blue. My other granddaughter Lucia likes pink and she also likes acting and dancing; I always make her dresses and costumes.  They told me that they lobed all the things I knitted for them but Jorge likes most a blue scarf with green dots I knitted two years ago. And Lucia likes the most a pink schoolgirl costume that I made two months ago.
I will never stop knitting, NEVER!!!!!

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